Tuesday, July 7, 2009

For the 4th last weekend, we went to Tucson and stayed in a hotel........

So when we finally pulled our heads out, Paul started using his phone for pics

This is the Ostrich farm we found on the way back from Tucson.....so we stopped and hung out

Clay was loving these birds

The boys were having a contest to see who could get the most to land on them......I think it was me that won....they all flocked to me...:)  Just call me the bird lady...when I'm sixty, I'll be the lady down on Main St. with bird poop on her shoulder!

We loved feeding these cute little deer....the ostrich on the other hand....one word.....
I had one come at my head.....what is it with me and animals?!

Me hanging out with my jackasses....oh and the kids


Kristen said...

OK, you know that movie with Sarah J. Parker and hottie guy about him not leaving his parents house? You remind me of him in that movie where the animals keep attacking him! Hilarious! You must have great Pharamones! Were you at the Starr Pass Resort in Tucson? Just wonderin'!

Mel said...

Looks like a fun trip bird lady!! I was wondering why you always had bird poop on you!!

Beth Ann said...

HaHa, So Great! That Ostrich Farm has always scared me, and now I know it was for GOOD REASON!

Can't wait to hang with you on Friday!

sandi said...

The animal whisperer! Too funny!

Nic said...

I think you did this post just so you could say jackasses...Love it!

Lisa said...

Oh how you know me well! :)

Lisa said...

Oh how you know me well! :)

Kaylee said...

You seriously are showing all of us slacker parents up. Could you quit doing so much with your kids please!!

Cadi said...

Nichole you left your comment so you could say jackasses. I am too.
Love the post!

Lisa you are always good for a laugh!

Katrina said...

You are so funny! Looks like a good time. I would have been bathing in the Purell with all of those birds landing on me! I'll probably be the crazy, OCD, Purell lady when I'm older- using Lysol for binaca or something!

debbie said...

ok, we have passed that ostrich farm loads of times on our way to and fro Douglas/Sierra Vista and have NEVER ONCE STOPPED! hats off to you for not doing the animal-voice-imitation-drive-by....course, not sure what they sound like,so we just say "look at the ostrich family." thanks for blog stalking my blog. and yes you ARE a GENIUS!