Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Cool Cats
I love these sweet babies!
Ready Aim and FIRE!
Ready Set and GO......the funniest was watching them race and dog pile...so hilarious.....there was another kid in the race...and nobody knew who he was...it cracked me up


Sands...Like Sands on the Beach said...

looks cold, but what a blast! and they seriously made a barricade for the snowball fight?? man, and here I was thinking that putting rocks in mine was hardcore...

Kristen said...

How fun! I love the kids in snow...probably because they are so happy in it! Now is that a cabin? or is it a regular house? Because it looks pretty nice and matchy/matchy to be a cabin! Thanks for the funny card. You can always make me laugh! and "smiling's my favorite!"